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Thursday, April 9, 2015

What I Eat on Keto: Breakfast Edition

As a child, our parents told us so many things like, "If you go swimming right after you eat, you will get a tummy ache" and " your face is going to stay like that if you keep making those silly faces"--obviously NOT true, right? Well, one thing they told us that IS the truth is this...."Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!"

I mean, its pretty cut and dry right? During the day, we eat every 4-6 hours to keep energy levels up and metabolism functioning FOR us and not AGAINST us, so its only right that after sleeping 6-8 hours at night, we need to refuel and feed that metabolism first thing in the morning. So, breakfast is a MUST, and I suggest eating it within 1 hour of waking in the morning.

I had someone ask me yesterday a question on my Instagram account that I want to also address within this post because I think its a key factor in my decision to live the Ketogenic Lifestyle that I love so, so much. He asked, "do you count anything like carbs, fats, calories etc on the Keto diet?". The answer to this question, put simply is No, however, that's not 100% true...but it is. Let me explain:

 When it comes to calories and fats-I DO NOT COUNT (for the most part). What I do "count" is carbs. But, its not as crazy as it seems to be. Key number that I keep in mind, rather than "count",  when it comes to carbs is 20. I consume up to 20g of net carbs per day, usually net carbs, I mean carbs that do not substantially affect blood sugar. (Because I don't consume ones that DO- ie simple sugars, complex carbohydrates like bread, pasta etc) I've cut out all carbs that cause a "spike" in blood sugar because that's what keto is about! Keeping the blood sugar levels low and stable with no "up and down" craziness....this is what causes ketone bodies to be used for energy. If you don't know what ketone bodies are, let me explain.....simply put-they are the product of fat being metabolized by the body-converted into ketones and this is what is used for energy instead of carbs which if not used, would be stored as fat! Ketone bodies, when produced in excess, are expelled by the body through the breath, sweat, urine, feces and aren't stored as fat! HOW FREAKING AMAZING IS THE KETOGENIC DIET!!!!!

Keeping in mind that the ketogenic diet is a high fat, MODERATE protein diet, I want you guys to understand that the main focus for energy within this lifestyle is not protein....its FATS! So, do I "count" grams of protein? NOPE. But I keep in mind that it's not the main focus of my meals. Fats.....I don't "count" them either...unless I notice a difference in how I'm feeling or how my body is functioning/dropping body fat etc.

With the Ketogenic Diet, its easy to "forget to eat" enough because eating this way makes you just NOT hungry so I don't count, but I am mindful to make sure I am consuming enough fats with each meal, drinking enough water (at least 1/2 my body weight in ounces), not eating too much protein, and staying within the 20g net carbs/day limit. Got it?

Now, lets get into what I eat for breakfast! It's really simple. Breakfast is usually the following:

2 eggs, maybe 3, cooked however I'm feeling (usually omlette style) with ham or bacon, tomato/mushrooms/garlic, all kinds of cheese...and BUTTER! Lots of salt and pepper, and sometimes I throw some avocado on top...YUMMMM. I also have my coffee with cream and splenda....and I'll either throw in a tablespoon of MCT oil, or coconut oil (or just take it straight...cuz that's how I roll) Just so long as you get in the fats-you're good to go!

It's really that simple.....and delicious!

I will be getting into nutritional supplementation in a video to come, showing you what vitamins I take as well as some other supplements that work very well in conjunction with a high fat stay tuned!!! XOXOXO

Want to see the video version of this blog post? Come watch me cook breakfast and SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss a video:

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Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Back to the Drawing Board

Hey everyone! I know, I know, it's been forever and a day since my last post! (Life has been insane to say the least!) However, I am back and so stoked to start blogging again for you guys. Since my last post, I have quit a nasty, expensive and all consuming habit (one I'm not proud of either) I was a smoker for about 14 years (NaStY nAsTy!!) I'm proud to say that I quit May 5, 2014 but, gained a good amount of weight in the process (good old saying: "replacing one bad habit with another-no bueno). Now, I'm not making excuses by any means...just proving to you that I AM human! (Who would have thought, right?). All jokes aside, life's stressors can often make things difficult BUT, guess what? I've learned NOT to let ANYTHING set me back (permanently anyway) from doing things that mean the most to me. Fitness, my health, and living a long happy life are ESSENTIAL to me and are far too expensive to throw away.....

So, here I am...and this is where I begin this next chapter. Can I just say that I'm glad you decided to join me, because I can promise you, it will be one HECK of a ride!

Little recap: At my heaviest, I weighed almost 190lbs back in 2002. I was always confident with myself and carried myself just the same. That all changed one day because I had caught a glimpse of myself in one of those lovely 3-way dressing-room mirrors and lets just say-that was my wake up call. That, my friends, was the moment I decided to make a drastic change. I started on the Atkins diet and lost 50lbs within 5 months time. I was happy as a pig in you know what! My cholesterol levels became normal, my hair was silky and shiny, my nails were long and strong, skin was no longer dry, acne was cleared up and I had more confidence than I ever had before.

After losing the weight, I met my son's birth father, became a mom and lost the baby weight-rather quickly, due to my history with Atkins and my newly found love for the gym. That all lasted up until my son was about 4....and then stress took over. I had let life defeat me once again, and anyone who battles with anxiety will tell's tough going untreated. But, I'm not in favor of medication. So, I let it get the best of me and the end result was gaining weight and not working out.

I had gone through an extremely tough breakup and fell into a deep depression. I had lost sight of what made me happy and it was pretty bad for a while. One day, I told myself, look--you're going to be okay and you deserve to be happy! So, I joined a gym...and started back doing keto. I lost all the weight I had gained back-plus more...and was happy once again.

 Shortly after my last post on here, I had decided to take my weight training to the next level and aspired to compete in the NPC. I was addicted to weight lifting! Loved seeing my muscles grow and the changes my body was making. It was amazing! I was dating someone at the time, and things went south. As a result, my focus and attention was ripped in another direction. Once again, I let life's stressors take over. During that time, my family had endured loss after loss. Cancer. My family lost 3 people to cancer, and we watched another go through chemo, just praying, day in and day out that we didn't lose her too....and we didn't (Thank the Lord). My son, being as young as he is, looked at me and said, "Mommy, smoking cigarettes will give you cancer....Mommy, I don't want you to die too." That was it for me. I never smoked another cigarette again. Instead, I turned to food....and here we are. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy that I rid my life of that nasty habit...but I'm not happy with my health, and now there's work to be done. I gained most of the weight back...and I'm now just under my heaviest weight ever. This is hard to admit...but today, I weigh 181lbs.

 The number on the scale isn't what bugs me most, its the fact that my body fat percentage is up there again...not healthy at all. Lets face it, I'm not a spring chicken either. I'm 33 years old...not DEAD by any means, BUT...and here's the big BUT (no pun intended) as you age, your metabolism isn't the same as it was, say-versus when you're younger. So, take that bit of info, and mix it with the fact that I've obviously damaged my metabolism by eating garbage for the past 11 months....and yeah---it's time to get to work! It won't be as easy as it was back when I was in my early 20's, but it CAN and it WILL be done. So here we go!

I'm going in to week two of Keto and down 6 pounds so far....

Guys, this post is very special to me because not only have I committed myself to losing this weight and blogging it all...but I will also be VLOGGING as well. I created a YouTube Channel dedicated to my journey, called The Ketogenic Lifestyle.

Subscribe here:


I decided to share this journey via YouTube because I want to be able to help you in the process. I know I'm not the only person in the world who struggles to get to a healthy state and STAY there. I have a huge passion for helping people and so, I want you all to know that you're not alone! You can do anything you set your mind to as long as you remember 2 patient and NEVER give up on yourself. I know, that's one thing I will never do.

 If you commit yourself to those two things then there is no way you will fail.
Remember that <3

Now, lets get to Work!!!

Make sure to subscribe to my YouTube Channel!

Follow me on Instagram @KetoXQueen