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Sunday, May 13, 2012

Entry #1 Introduction~Welcome to "Everything Fitness"!

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog!! I'm very excited because this is the start of something I've been meaning to do for a very long time and with a little "push" from a close friend, it's finally underway! I've decided to create this blog because I am very passionate about everything "fitness" and I want to share my love and knowledge for fitness with all of you. I am a huge believer in the idea that happiness starts with yourself. In order to succeed in ANYTHING you do in life-no matter your goals or career path, you must first take care of yourself: MIND, BODY, AND SOUL because let's face it~if you're not healthy, you're limiting yourself and definitely prohibiting yourself from giving 100% in all you do. I have so many things that I want to address with this blog and I'm so excited to finally be able to reach out and share information and my personal experiences with all of you. I have many friends who come to me for advice on nutrition and working out all the time, so this is my way of giving back and sharing what I know and researching FOR YOU what I don't. I will cover everything from supplements-including different protein powders, WHEN and HOW to incorporate them, weight lifting technique's, cardio/fat burning methods along with time managed workout routines, my personal review on products available in the fitness world...I will also include a list of my gym fav's and must-haves for working out including workout gear and MUCH MORE! I will also include tips on staying motivated, dedicated and determined to reach your goals, ONE DAY AT A TIME, ONE STEP AT A TIME! Rome wasn't built in a day and neither is the perfect body. It is a process. I'm here to help  INSPIRE, MOTIVATE,SUPPORT, EDUCATE AND PUSH each and every one of you!!!  Some people do not have the support to keep themselves focused so they give up-you NOW have ME! Others just don't know where to start, so let ME guide you! Many of you make the excuse that you have no time-EXCUSES DON'T LEAD TO RESULTS, they keep them from happening. If you want change in your life, change in your body, change in your health, you must first do some changing and everything else will follow, I promise you!
Let me regress and tell you all a little about myself. My name is Tina Marie Intravaia, I just turned 30 this past March and I'm the proud mother of a little boy. Growing up, I was a very active child. I played sports for most of my childhood and enjoyed nothing more than being active. I was never the type of child to sit in front of the TV for hours on end, stuffing my face with cookies and junk food. MY problem was real food. I come from a full blown italian family so pasta, bread, and cheese were an every day thing for me! Every italian knows that "food is love"!!! Sunday 7 course meals with the family happened every week and because of my busy schedule with sports during the week-pizza and fast food were constant. When I was between the ages of 16-22 I was always a little on the "thicker" side. My days of playing sports had ended and aside from daily life, I wasn't too active. I knew I was a little overweight but I thought I carried it well so I didn't watch what I put in my mouth and I didn't exercise...I needed a wake-up call bad! It wasn't until I was 22 years old when that "wake up call" came my way. I was at one of my favorite stores in the mall trying on clothes and walked in front of the oh-so-dreaded 3-way mirror. THAT was my wake up call. I hated what I saw and I was in shock-I had never seen myself that way before. I was embarassed and disgusted that I'd let myself get to that point and the worst part was that I didn't even know it. From that moment on, I changed my ways drastically and in less than 5 months I dropped 50 pounds. I changed my eating habits and started MOVING! I lowered by body fat percentage from 27 to 14%. I am 5'5 and at my heaviest, weighed 187 pounds. How did I lose the weight? Well, to be honest with you-I tried many things, many different diets and most failed. I'm going to hold off on revealing what DID work for me because one thing I've come to realize is there are an endless number of dieting methods out there, and for good reason. What works for one person, may not work for another. There's low carb, low fat, Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig...etc. The choices are endless. The key to success in dieting and achieving your fitness goals are finding what works for YOU! That is the key. This is going to be the topic for my next blog so stay tuned everyone! It's going to be an exciting journey for me and all of you as well! Change begins TODAY!!

Did you know...

One pound of fat is the equivalent of 3,500 calories?

I encourage you to leave a comment below if there is something you would like me to cover in one of my upcoming blog entries!


Be sure to follow me!


  1. Congrats on starting your blog T! I'm excited to follow u, my friend :) Keep up the great work! Love ya!

  2. Awesome entry! That's the one thing Ppl lack when it comes to getting in shape, and thats MOTIVATION! Personally speaking, I always have a limit where I stop and say ok that's enough im tired. Lol but to have someone on my side that is passionate about getting in shape inspires me to better with my health so I definitely will be frequenting this blog!

  3. Exactly! Motivation and positive energy is contagious! Negativity hinders progress and drags people down! It brings me so much satisfaction when I'm able to educate, motivate and guide someone toward their goal because I know what it's like! I was in the middle of working on this entry today and I got an unexpected email from a follower on instagram who read my blog and reached out to me for my help. She was the first person to reach out like that since starting this blogspot and it made me feel awesome that she came to me for help! I love it! It's my mission in life to help those who want to make changes in their help but just don't know how or where to start! I love inspiring those who inspire me<3 Nikki girl, thank you for being YOU!

  4. I'm excited to follow your blog Sole Sister! I definitely need some help with loosing my tummy fat.

  5. Great start! Looking forward for your coming posts specially weight loss management tips.

  6. Very helpful blog.. Keep up the good work.. best of luck :)

    1. Thank you so so much. I really appreciate the recognition and positive feedback. I'm all about realistic approach

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  9. I love the stuff and the fitness related information is amazingly explained I love going through this.
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  10. As a mother of 4, and in my 50's,I thought it was over for me to try to get fit, but I'm starting,I have my grand children to think of, I'm sooo very proud of you for starting so young and making our a lifestyle.

  11. we need work out more techniques in this regard, thanks for sharing.
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  12. I’ll probably keep it short and sweet and link to this instead if thats cool. Thanks.
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